#1. Wrong Sponsor... I'm Confused!

A. COOKIES - they click on an ad that has the sponsor's name and referral link but does NOT REGISTER at the time. Then later clicks on another ad that has a different sponsor’s name and referral link then registers. The FIRST sponsor’s referral link is who they join because of the COOKIES. CLICK HERE to learn how COOKIES work.  

B. TWO OR MORE ACCOUNTS - It is possible they could have created -2- or more accounts. One under YOU and one under the affiliate they are asking for the $4 bonus. We have had several who think if they can make an additional $5 several times by creating multiple accounts under different affiliates.​

C. Sponsor Shopping

We CONTINUE to find situations where someone didn't land under the sponsor they wanted to, so they attempt to make a second account under another sponsor.  That will not be tolerated in the platform.

If you already have an affiliate account, you may NOT join again under a different sponsor.  If this is discovered, all accounts will be terminated from the program and any commissions will be forefeit.

This is really confusing, and we do not have time to deal with members that are "Sponsor Shopping"

 If we find that there are 2 or more accounts, we will be removing all of them associated with that member.

D. THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND - They see others asking for the $4 bonus, from the latest sponsor’s name, so they assume if they use that sponsor’s name they can get their FREE $4 also. 

E. You are using the wrong referral link! Make sure you are using the Lead Capture Page, Banners and other tools referral links found in your www.BrandHarborTools.com - If you have created your own lead capture page or are using any other marketing tools or methods, other than what is found in your www.BrandHarborTools.com ,  those leads will go to the company and cannot be recovered. 

F. Be careful when using Tracking Links & Link Shortners. Placing a tracking link and/or a link shortner at the end of your referral links sometimes will strip your referral ID and redirect leads to the company! We suggest NOT to use tracking links or link shortners if you have no experience with how to program them the right way. 

G. As you know we have several different affiliate programs; each have their own affiliate links. Just because one of your personal business associates joins one of your other affiliate programs does NOT mean you have rights to that member FOR ALL OF THE AFFILIATE PROGRAMS YOU BELONG TO... such as Brand Harbor.  It's possible they may have joined Brand Harbor through another BH affiliate before you started to work with THEM and vise versa. 

NOTE #1.

HOWs WHYs & WHENs - I do not have time to try to figure out the - HOWs WHYs & WHENs - a different sponsor shows in new member’s account so when I pay the $4 bonus the member who shows, as their sponsor, they will be the one that is notified to welcome the new member and will be their sponsor in their account and receive the $1 referral bonus so make sure you use the marketing tools found by CLICKING HERE so YOU ARE NOT CONFUSED why one of your referrals landed under another Brand Harbor Member!  

NOTE #2. We know our onboarding system works - it has been tried and tested over a thousand times with no problems... So, if by chance one of your prospects landed under another sponsor, either by YOUR MISTAKE or THEIR MISTAKE... when registering, - simply PM (private message) the sponsor and ask NICELY if they will contact Harvey and ask that YOUR prospect be transferred to you.  I'm sure they will understand.

Here Are More I'm Confused Topics

#2. Two different Brand Harbor Platforms - REALLY? - That's Confusing!

www.BrandHarbor.net This is the first platform they join and where the commissions and the affiliate programs can be found. Once they are manually approved, they are sent an email with "YOUR name and the Telegram link to login" to request their $4 bonus CLICK HERE for a sample portion of the email they receive. NOT EVERYONE WILL DO THIS SO DO NOT BE CONFUSED! 

You will NOT be able to find the full name of your new member and be able to email your new member from this Brand Harbor.net platform. You will be able to find the "Referral Tree" of your entire downline by clicking on the tab on the left-hand side named "Network" of YOUR entire downline. In that referral tree you can ONLY see their usernames! 


www.BrandHarborTools.com This platform is MANUALLY created by ADMIN when your downline member is MANUALLY approved in this platform from www.BrandHarbor.net.  Your downline member is sent an email with login instruction (username & password) to access their back office where ALL the Marketing Tools are found (specially code to them). They will NOT be able to login without finding that email.

In your www.BrandHarborTools.com you will find the Full Names of your 1st downline members, when they created their account in www.BrandHarbor.net.  You will also find the marketing tools (specially coded to YOU) such as your referral links.  Just because you see your 1st line downline members does NOT mean they have joined the Brand Harbor Discussion & Training Telegram Group requesting their $4 Bonus. You can email your 1st line downline members every three days so if they do not make their way into the Brand Harbor Telegram Group, after about a week, you might want to send them an email with instructions on how to do that so you can get paid your $1.00 referral bonus!

#3. I Can't Find My Emails? Below find the several reasons...

A. They lost or accidently deleted emails is possible they are not receiving the emails.

B. They have NOT whitelisted our emails.

C. The emails may have gone to their spam folder, so they need to check their spam folder.

D. New member could have used a wrong or bad email or a trash email when they registered.

E. Using different emails or an email that’s not the primary email that is never checked could be a reason they can't find the emails.

F. If your downline member accidentally UNSUBSCRIBES that may be why they are not receiving emails. 

G. Our server sends out hundreds of emails every day with no problems, so we know it works! 

H. They need check "all their email accounts including their burner or junk email accounts" and slow down and FIND and read each one for instructions on new members who join under them and commissions they earned AS THERE WILL BE SEVERAL! 

I. If your member says they are not receiving emails, then it's something wrong on their side!  


Do you want to cause MASS CONFUSSION and lose your $1.00 Referral Bonus and possibly be removed from the Brand Harbor Discussion & Training Group? 


 DO NOT send YOUR prospect directly to the BH Telegram group before they are registered as an a BH Affiliate and APPOVED!

This causes MASS CONFUSION for YOU, Your New Downline Member and ADMIN!

#5. Telegram name does not match Brand Harbor name - CLICK HERE to learn more about how important it is for YOUR downline member to match both, their Brand Harbor account name to their Telegram name. They will NOT be paid the $4 bonus and you WILL NOT be paid that $1 referral bonus until they change their Telegram name.  CLICK HERE TO WATCH TRAINING

NOTE: If your new member does NOT change their telegram name, within a few minutes of when I ask them to do that, and you post the WELCOME message, found in ---#10. --- before they change their telegram name then they change their name a couple hours later... I will NOT know they did that unless YOU or they make a separate post that lets me know!

This is why sometimes I miss paying them and YOU the $4.00 and $1.00 Bonuses!

#6. English barrier causes confusion - have your members, who are having problems with English, use Google or YouTube Translate.

#7. ??

#8. Make sure - when working with your new downline member in your PM area - you post this link https://silverfoxjv.convertri.com/how-to-get-started-as-a-brand-harbor-affiliate   Everything they need to get started is in that area!  CLICK HERE for Training On How To Meet Your New Brand Harbor Affiliate Downline Member Telegram PM Area

#9. Also review the training found by CLICKING HERE & HERE to help your downline earn so YOU can enjoy ALL those Pass Up Commissions in the months and years to come.

More I'm Confused Topics


It's the responsibility of the sponsor to scroll up through the posts or do a search for their name (the sponsor's name) , when they get into the group, to see if one of their new members joined the group while you were gone, and welcome their new member by posting this message…


Welcome to Brand Harbor - I'm your sponsor and I would like to personally help you get started making a Full Time Living as an BH Affiliate. 

Is it ok if I PM (private message) you with instructions on how to get started? 


as a —-- REPLY —--- to their request for $4 bonus to receive for the sponsor to their $1 referral bonus as explained here: https://silverfoxjv.convertri.com/how-the--4-and--1-bonuses-work

The KEY to making sure you receive your $1.00 referral bonus is to...

Post the message above in a —-- REPLY —--- to their request for the $4 bonus!

If I have missed anyone - WHICH IS EASY TO DO WHEN THERE IS A LOT OF ACTIVITY - forward that post with YOUR ( —-- REPLY —--- to their request for $4 bonus asking if you can PM (private message your with instructions on how to get started?) back to the the bottom of the Brand Harbor Telegram Group so I can find it and I will then pay you the $1.00 referral Bonus. CLICK HERE to watch the video that explains how to FORWARD posts in the same group so they show at the bottom!  

#11. I'm Confused... why am I not receiving Pass Up Commissions? Chances are you have NOT programmed your Affiliate Program Referral Links, as in instruct, found in this training video found by CLICKING HERE   Also make sure when Marty announces NEW Affiliate Programs in the Telegram Group you find your NEW Affiliate Referral Links and ad those as instructed in the above video! YOU SNOOZE YOU LOSE!


#12. I'm Confused... one of my referrals has joined me using my referral Brand Harbor link but has not shown in my downline or joined the Telegram Group?  New members MUST be manually approved so that only happens a couple times a day. Typically, early in the morning when admin wakes up and later in the day when there are more than 5 or 6 in the que. Also, NOT EVERY NEW MEMBER will find their way into the Telegram Group to request their additional $4 bonus and/or when they land in the Telegram Group will they ask for YOU and their $4 bonus! 

#13. I'm Confused... My new downline member has been waiting ALL NIGHT to receive their $4 Bonus - WHY?  The response from ADMIN is NOT automatic and if ADMIN is away for the night – SLEEPING – it could take a few hours before the $4 for a total of $5 is placed in your Brand Harbor Wallet. CLICK HERE for more training on how ADMIN pays the $4 Bonus. 

#14.  I'm Confused... How can I withdraw my commissions from my Brand Harbor Wallet? Login to your Brand Harbor Account by CLICKING HERE then find the TAB on the left-hand side that says “COMMISSIONS”!  Make sure you watch the Training Video that pops up when you login to learn how and when you can withdraw your commissions!  

If you are just here to earn the $5 and the $1 referral bonuses then do nothing else, then our platform is not for you. 

#15.  I'm Confused... How does the Live Chat work?  

CLICK HERE to watch this video to better understand how to participate. 

Check at the top of the group and you will see a Green or Blue BAR.

Click on the bar to join the LIVE CHAT

Our Trainers may be busy helping others so be patient, hangout and someone will help you when they are finished!

If you see my microphone MUTED that means I’m away and will be back later.

If you have a question that cannot be found in one of our several training videos, I will answer that question in a live recorded training session as follows…

A. The training needs to be when I’m available.

B. ONLY ONE question on a specific topic during the recorded training session.

C. You MUST speak English, have your speakers and audio TUNED so I can communicate with you without feedback, background noise, and your microphone volume loud and clear.

D. If we have a GOOD recorded training session I MAY - NO GUARANTEES - place $$ in your Brand Harbor Wallet.

E. Active members can start their own chat, when I’m away, inviting their downline for a Live Visual Training Session… teaching them how to earn a Full-TIME Living, recruiting new members and selling ALL the thousands of dollars of affiliate programs in their back office. As you know YOU receive Pass Up Commissions from your downline - FOR LIFE -  so spend some time working with your downline to get them to take action!

To find the previously recorded Live Chat Training Videos CLICK HERE 

Then SCROLL DOWN to the bottom of the page. When you and I make a live chat training video I will place it with the others at the bottom of that page!


Below Find The Reasons Why NEW Members And Their Sponsors Are Confused At Times…